Commercial Inspections
We are certified in various areas to provide the best for you and your home!
Construction Loan Monitoring Services
Neal Development Group delivers construction Loan Monitoring (CLM) Services that assess construction projects from pre-construction through job completion. We monitor construction loans on behalf of lenders. The lender hires Neal Development Group as a third party inspector to verify the contractor’s request for payment. It is important to confirm that the contractor is not getting ahead in payment for the work completed for the project. Additionally, Neal Development Group monitors the quality of work in place, manpower levels, conformance to the original schedule and reviews change orders
Neal Development Group has provided a monthly monitoring service for lenders of approximately 30-40 projects per month for over 15 years. We have experience with historical renovations as well as new development. To support our clients, we review all work schedules, all documentation, budgets and provide progress reports during all phases of construction. Our staff makes a recommendation to make disbursements while monitoring progress in the field and bank draw requests Neal Development Group’s construction loan monitoring Services are availible for all banks and construction projects.

Property Condition Assessment
PCA’s encompass commercial building inspections of the building structure systems and grounds of a commercial real estate site. Our professionals utilize ASTM 2018-15,”Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process” standard to evaluate the current construction conditions observed. Others stop once they’ve met the “standard”, but the Neal Development Group is getting started once the ASTM standard is met. Our clients count on us to reveal every physical defect and major issue that could potentially impact an acquisition. We report from the field and there is no time delay in communicating critical information that could effect a transaction.
Construction Monitoring/Bank Draws
Construction Monitoring/Bank Draws are site inspections that are performed in conjunction with the funding draws on a ground up or remodeled property. The draws are performed after a General Contractor or Developer requests funding at each phase of the project. The site visit inspection is put into place to monitor the project to ensure that the draw amount requested is in line with the construction performed on the site as of the date of the draw request and the construction performed is being performed in a workman like manner.

Owner's Representative
An owner’s Representative advises and represents an owner/developer in areas of planning, acquisition, pre-construction, construction monitoring and the post construction process. These areas include site preperation, design, cost estimates, bid packaging preparation and evaluation for safety, budget adherence, construction oversight/field supervision and cost control.
Construction Estimating
A construction estimation begins with a site visit by a team member of our professional staff. The construction estimate entails the analysis of the planned or proposed project to determine an estimation of the construction costs, time line and plan.

Cost to Competition Analysis
These analyses are warranted when construction is delayed or halted. The Cost to Completion Analysis consists of an inspection of a project,its progress and current conditions. We then determine the remaining costs for completion of the project.